Motorcyclist Dies in Collision with Car on Seminole Blvd in Largo


Motorcyclist Dies in Collision with Car on Seminole Blvd in Largo

Posted: April 6, 2015 – 10:30 PM

At approximately 4:30 PM on Monday, April 6, 2015, units from Largo Police Department, Largo Fire Rescue Department and Sunstar Paramedics were dispatched to reports of a vehicle crash involving a motorcyclist.  The crash occurred in the 1200 block of Seminole Blvd.

Arriving units found bystanders performing CPR on the motorcyclist who died on scene of the crash due to the extent of his injuries.

The motorcyclist has been identified as 27 year-old James P. McElhaney. He was riding a Honda CBR250R northbound on Seminole Blvd and collided with the passenger side of a black Honda Civic that turned left in front of him.

The driver of the Honda has been identified as 26 year-old Nadja Okic.

All northbound lanes of Seminole Blvd were closed for about 5 hours as Largo Police Department continued their investigation.




    • I live right where it happened. The woman was making an illegal left turn. There is no left turning into Brittany Bay apartments for the second entrance on Seminole Blvd . It refereed to as “illegal left turn” by everyone I know and those of us who live across the way. The woman is completely at fault here. If you go out to where it happened you see the right turn lane that allows the northbound traffic to turn into 11th Ave SW. There isn’t a “Left” turn available.
      It was just plain laziness and stupidity, and disregard for the rules while maintaining a vehicle on the road that caused a motorcyclist his life. I mean if she wasn’t turning left illegally at what ever speed, most likely slow, this accident wouldn’t have happened.

      Oh and you can see clearly on that road. There is no obstacles blocking any view.

      • Glad you posted this! I ride a motorcycle and am hyper aware of all the accidents that take riders lives. This one, being the most recent, had me irritated to the point that I was Facebooking questions to find out what happens to an automobile driver who does this sort of Left turn and costing a bikers life. The answer was pretty much what I expected but in this particular case I am, for lack of a better term ‘glad?’ that the driver will be found ‘at fault’….it cost a guy HIS LIFE……..people need to pay a penalty besides just feeling bad that it happened….we need to prevent people losing their lives like this…..anyway, thanks much for the details on this accident

  1. Had someone SB Seminole Blvd turning into Brittney Bay from the 11th Ave opening (traveling SB across NB lanes) and took the front off my car as I turned NB out of Brittany Bay a few years back. Vehicular manslaughter for the civic driver in this case. Driving the wrong way on Seminole Blvd. Condolences to the families involved. Both are in a horrible place.

    • I agree. They need to seriously make it so it’s not possible to ever cause that again. It just pathetic that they might not, and if they do it’ll be because of this woman taking a young mans life. Like I said earlier, everyone takes that right turn, making it a left turn into Brittany Bay. I blame the city for not enforcing a hazard that’s had multiple accident on it.

  2. On behalf of the family, thanks to all for sharing insights into how things could have happened . . . It really adds some clarity, some closure . . .

    I’m a somewhat distant relative of James. So, it was not as hard to read people’s posts. The video posted of how a car making a left turn literally has to drive the “wrong way” into oncoming traffic to get to the apartment driveway . . . I can’t put my reaction into words. But it really put some explanation as to what occurred.

    James’ face is “frozen” in my mind’s eye, remembering him from his teen days at family gatherings . . . RIP, James. Your life was too short.

  3. First of all My deepest sympathies go out to McElhaney’s family. May God give you the comfort and peace that you seek and may the soul of your loved one rest in peace.

    I lived near this apartment complex for all my life and i know this aria very well and YES all above comments more or less not accurate and all blamed the driver.
    I’m a driver and drive Seminole blvd. every day and seen for my 35 driving years everything.
    We must in every situation in order to understand it look at both sides story’s, research it and make our own conclusion.

    The Honda Civic driver did NOT make a illegal left turn and if you go to the accident location you would notice on Seminole Blvd. NB and SB close to 11th Ave. a dedicated left lane with arrow printed on asphalt pointing to the left, This clearly indicates that the left turn is permitted to enter
    brittany apartments as well as NB to enter 11th. Ave.
    So their was NO illegal Left Turn. Drive buy and see it your self or simply go to google earth and notice the arrows on NB and SB sides.
    The video does not do justice since shows no pavement and recording was to fast.

    Its not always what what most people wanna hear but the facts can hurt especially when young life is lost.
    In today’s society unfortunately its very common since the world is spinning out of control and no respect to anything including the laws.
    The destruction” of now dead young soul started since 2007 This being said this young man James lost his life and no one noticed “blinking red lights of his self destruction” or tried to do something about.
    This now dead young man had 18 moving violations including UNLAWFUL SPEED, RAN STOP SIGN,CARELESS DRIVING,OPERATING VEHICLE W/OUT INSURANCE,RECKLESS DRIVING and LEAVING THE SCENE OF A CRASH. (Info obtained from Public Record).
    He was charged with 6 misdemeanors and 4 felonies on top of 18 traffic violation’s their for total of 29 clashes with the law and we did not notice, we did not offer help, we did not even talk to him about it …. instead we are shocked and always blamed someone else but not the “RED LIGHT FLASHING S” we are looking for the answers that are listed above witch should of been noticed.

    We have to admit we failed to help this now dead young soul.

  4. Was he wearing a helmet? I’m from Michigan, a state that recently did away with its helmet law, so I’ve been much more aware of motorcycle accidents the last couple years. I was at the Publix south of where the accident occurred–I think there’s a Home Depot there, too–and tried to head north on Seminole, but knew that something very big and very bad must have happened. No northbound traffic could go anywhere. We all had to do a 180 and try another way north. In no news report was there any mention of a helmet. Is this not important to know? Not to place blame, but to prevent future deaths.