First Responders Injured in Scuffle at Largo Medical Center-Indian Rocks


Multiple units from Largo Police and Largo Fire Rescue were dispatched to Largo Medical Center Indian Rocks Campus at approximately 4:07 PM on Tuesday, March 21, 2017.

Very limited details are available but it appears that a scuffle involving a patient occurred in or near the Emergency Department.

According to Largo Police, hospital staff advised that a patient was out of control and was battering staff members.

Officers arrived on scene and requested back up due to the subject violently fighting the officers. The subject was eventually restrained using a taser and pepper spray. The man went into cardiac arrest. Hospital staff were unable to revive him and he died.

The deceased man has been identified as 27-year-old Mundrae Francis.

One officer was admitted to the hospital.

The incident resulted in multiple injuries to members of Sunstar Paramedics, Largo Police and Hospital security.

Firefighters worked to remove pepper spray from the Emergency Department that was deployed during the incident.

The hospital is located at 2025 Indian Rocks Road.

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