Motorcyclist killed in early morning crash on Roosevelt Boulevard

Stock photo of SPPD vehicle

The St. Petersburg Police continue to investigate a crash that killed a motorcyclist, Felix Melendez.

The crash occurred in the 11200 block of Roosevelt Boulevard North at approximately 12:15 a.m. on Saturday, July 18, 2020.

Investigators say that a 2006 Honda minivan was eastbound on Roosevelt Boulevard North in the median lane. 

Melendez was operating a 2020 Kawasaki motorcycle eastbound on Roosevelt Boulevard North, driving at an extremely fast speed, weaving through traffic.

The motorcycle struck the right rear of the Honda minivan, and careened off the south side of the roadway, hitting the guardrail and a light pole. Melendez was killed instantly.

The van stopped in the median lane.  The van driver and her passenger were not seriously injured.


    • Jane, the family is going to find this article and read it. Then they are going to read your comment. Is this really the person you want to be? These news articles usually get the facts wrong. Commenting on it based on what the article says is foolish. If this is what truly happened, it’s a very uncommon accident. The most common type of motorcycle accident is typically the car drivers fault. Mostly elderly drivers. Cognitive Impairment. Would you like to discuss that?

      • Scott, many other non-family members are going to find this article and read it. Then they are going to read your comment. And they, like myself, are going to think it’s the dumbest thing they’ve read online this week. He was weaving in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed. If you can’t accept facts, I suggest you stick to reading Trump tweets.

      • Thank you for rebuking The previous statement made!! I am NOT a “Biker”, however I have MANY friends & family that ride various types of motorcycles.
        There is a saying, “There’s only two kinds of Bikers. Those that have been down & those that are going down”. Another “Those that are dead & those on the way”.
        The REALITY is MOST “Bikers” show more RESPECT to the road & others on it….
        Condolences to the Family & others suffering due to the TRAGIC LOSS OF LIFE!!!

  1. dont care what you guys say to this, but these idiots on motorcycles get what they deserve when they do this stupid crap. 80% of them drive like idiots on Roosevelt. I have seen them literally drive in between cars at high rates of speed during rush hour traffic. sorry, but not sorry for this moron. sorry for the family, but you guys should try breading better people who respect others driving the same roads they think they can go crazy on. bye felicia!