Arson Incident Unfolds as Disgruntled Worker Sets Vehicle Ablaze in Tarpon Springs


On Friday, October 27, 2023, at approximately 11:08 a.m., the Tarpon Springs Police Department responded to an incident at Tarpon Towers, situated at 905 E MLK Drive.

The report indicated an attempt to set a fire by a female individual. Upon their arrival, officers discovered a vehicle ablaze in the parking lot of the establishment and were directed to the suspect’s location nearby. Subsequent investigation revealed the individual in question to be 35-year-old Amber Marie Galbraith.

Booking photo of Amber Galbraith

According to arrest documentation, Galbraith worked in the call center at Clean Sky Energy and was upset about a pending disciplinary action. She left the business on a break and reentered the building, holding two bottles of lighter fluid and a lighter. She activated the fire alarm of the main multiple-story building while proceeding to the call center where she worked in Suite 120.

The victim attempted to block Galbraith from entering the main office and remove her from the building. Galbraith was still able to enter the main office while pulling the victim by her hair. Galbraith exited the building and approached the victim’s 2020 blue Nissan Versa. She poured lighter fluid on the hood and the front quarter panel of the vehicle and lit a fire using the lighter.

When officers from the Tarpon Springs Police Department arrived, Galbraith attempted to run from the scene and did not comply with the officer’s verbal commands. The officer was able to bring her to the ground, where she continued to resist placing her hands behind her back. The officer sustained a thumb injury during the scuffle. The officer also stated that Galbraith attempted to bite him on the right arm and right leg during the altercation.

After detention by Tarpon Springs Police, she admitted to pulling the fire alarm, pulling the victim’s hair, and setting the vehicle on fire, believing the victim’s vehicle was contaminated with the coronavirus.

Galbraith has been charged with one count each of Arson, Battery, and Obstruction in connection to this incident.