Clearwater Beach, Island Estates and Sand Key customers will need to boil water after water break

Photo from scene of broken water line in Clearwater

Update as of October 29 from the City of Clearwater: Clearwater Public Utilities customers on Island Estates, all of Clearwater Beach, and Sand Key no longer need to boil their water as a precaution, resulting from the Oct. 27 water break. Laboratory results have been returned, and the water is safe to drink and use as usual.

Construction crews working in Coachman Park have accidentally struck a water main which is causing low and no water pressure for customers on Clearwater Beach, Island Estates, Sand Key, and in some downtown locations.

Due to low water pressure as a result of the water main break, a precautionary boil water notice is in effect for water customers in Island Estates, Clearwater Beach, and parts of Sand Key. It has been determined that downtown customers are not affected by this break.

Residents are advised to boil water that will be used for drinking or cooking for a period of one minute, for at least the next two days to make sure that the water is safe. Showers are safe but the City of Clearwater says to be sure not to drink the water. Ice machines may contain ice that was made after the break was repaired, so it might be best to toss it out.

The City will let the affected residents know when laboratory results have been returned and they no longer need to boil water. They apologize for any inconvenience this issue has caused.

As of 8 p.m., the water main break has been repaired and water service is being restored to Clearwater Beach, Island Estates and Sand Key. It may take time for water pressure to return to normal levels.