Detectives arrest Seminole resident Ronald Pownall for scheme to defraud and Workers Comp failure


Detectives from the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office arrested 46-year-old Ronald Pownall of Seminole for Scheme to Defraud and Failure to Obtain Worker’s Comp.

An investigation began in August of 2023 after detectives learned that Pownall had fraudulently leased a portion of the property at 4950 38th Avenue North in Unincorporated St. Petersburg to a nursery business. Detectives say the nursery business paid Pownall approximately $62,000.00 for 18 months. This amount included both money for rent and fees for the repair and maintenance of the building. Pownall created a false five-year contract with the nursery. Pownall claimed to be the property owner through American Property Group, LLC, where he is listed as the president. The victim and defendant were evicted from the property by the true owner in August of 2023.

When detectives interviewed Pownall, he admitted to creating the false contract and stealing the money. However, Pownall would not say what he did with the money or take responsibility for his actions.

According to detectives, Pownall also operated a Lawn and Tree Trimming Business, “Tree Ninjas Tree Service.” Pownall employed, on average, four to five people daily and failed to have any workers compensation policy filed under his LLC for “Tree Ninjas Tree Service” from June 20, 2022, through September 8, 2023.

On December 21, 2023, Pownall was arrested and charged with one count of Scheme to Defraud and one count of Failure to Obtain Workers Comp. He was transported to the Pinellas County Jail without incident.

The investigation continues.