FHP: Alcohol Related Wrong Way Crash in Valrico Leaves Two Drivers Injured

Corvette stuck by wrong way driver on SR-60 in Valrico. Photo courtesy of FHP.

FHP: Alcohol Related Wrong Way Crash in Valrico Leaves Two Drivers Injured

The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) is investigating a crash that left two men with significant injuries. The crash occurred just after midnight on Wednesday, December 12, 2018.

According to investigators, 70 year-old Walt Pfeifer of Valrico was traveling westbound in the inside eastbound lane of SR-60, east of Miller Road.  He was operating a 2017 Jeep Cherokee.

Matthew Bell, age 34 of Valrico, was traveling eastbound in a 2012 Chevy Corvette.

The two vehicles collided head-on as a result of Pfeifer traveling the wrong-way.

Driver of Jeep collides with Corvette after traveling in the wrong direction on SR-60 in Valrico. Photo courtesy of FHP.

Due to the impact, the Jeep rotated and overturned across all lanes before coming to final rest on the south shoulder of the

The Corvette rotated and came to final rest in the median.

Pfeifer was transported to Tampa General Hospital with serious injuries.

Bell was transported to Tampa General Hospital with critical injuries.

All eastbound lanes of SR-60 were closed until 6:38 AM while FHP investigated the crash.

Investigators say it is likely that both both drivers had consumed alcohol prior to the crash.

Charges are pending.