Hurricane Irma make-up day information for Pinellas County Schools


Hurricane Irma make-up day information for Pinellas County Schools

Florida Education Commissioner Pam Stewart released guidance to school districts on Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017 regarding the instructional hours the district will be required to make up due to Hurricane Irma.

The state waived two days and based upon the hours of attendance in Pinellas, the district will need to hold a total of three make-up days during the 2017-2018 school year.

The first make-up day will be Monday, October 16, 2017. It is the first designated hurricane make-up day on the instructional calendar.

Pinellas County Schools will seek a recommendation from the district’s Calendar Committee to determine the two additional make-up days. The committee represents teachers, support staff, administrators, parents and the community.

The recommendation regarding the two additional make-up days will be announced by Friday, Sept. 29, according to a school board press release.