Newest Euro Model Moves Irma Back West Over Florida


Newest Euro Model Moves Irma Back West Over Florida

The newest model shows the continued uncertainty in the actual path of Hurricane Imra.

Euro model gif courtesy of Tropicaltidbits

The official NWS forecast will be released about 5pm. It is unknown if or how far the official track will shift toward the Tampa Bay area.

As posted earlier, slight changes in the path can have signifcant impact to many communities.

As always, plan for the worst and hope for the best.

In the event of a significant movement toward the west coast, emergency management officials may order the evacuations of levels A, B, and C.  That determination would be made on Saturday.

Pinellas County declares state of local emergency

Mandatory evacuation orders start at 6 a.m. Friday; shelters to open at noon

Mandatory evacuations of all of Level A and mobile home parks.