Off-duty first responder arrested for repeatedly entering crime scene following plane crash in Clearwater

Booking photo of Joseph Schifano

Officers from the Clearwater Police Department (CPD) arrested 66-year-old Joseph Schifano of St. Petersburg for obstruction. This arrest occurred as first responders were on the scene of a plane that crashed into a mobile home at 2642 Pagoda Drive in Clearwater.

At approximately 9:31 p.m. on Thursday, February 1, 2024, Officer Steele from CPD encountered Schifano at the intersection of Sumo Dr and Nagano Dr, where he reportedly attempted to breach the yellow tape labeled “Police Line Do Not Cross.” Schifano claimed to be an off-duty Sunstar paramedic but couldn’t provide evidence of employment or duty.

According to arrest records, after being turned away by Officer Steele, Sergeant Mahoney encountered the defendant at the intersection of Nagano Dr and Rice Paddy Dr, observing him crossing under the crime scene tape. The defendant explained his actions as mere curiosity, received a warning about entering the crime scene, and was instructed to move away. Sergeant Mahoney communicated this encounter to other units via radio.

Subsequently, Officer Bingham observed the defendant attempting to conceal himself by circumnavigating the area. Despite being warned, the defendant walked underneath the “Police Line Do Not Cross” tape and entered the active crime scene behind the incident location. Officer Bingham approached the defendant, who was an entire house length into the crime scene, capturing a video of the crash scene on his cellphone.

Following the Miranda rights procedure, he admitted wrongdoing, apologized, and disclosed that he was attempting to record a video for a media company with the intention of financial gain.

According to the Florida Department of Health, Schifano is licensed as a Paramedic in the State of Florida. Arrest documentation lists his employer as Sunstar Paramedics.