Pool Maintenance Visit Turns Into Shooting Incident in Dunedin


Sheriff Bob Gualtieri conducted a press conference on Monday, June 26, 2023, addressing a shooting investigation. The incident took place on Thursday, June 15, 2023, around 9:00 p.m.

Deputies from the Patrol Operations Bureau were dispatched to 41 Concord Drive in Dunedin in response to a reported Burglary In-Progress.

After conducting their investigation, detectives uncovered that Karl Polek, a 33-year-old employee of Bay Area Pool Techs, had arrived at 41 Concord Drive to perform pool maintenance.

According to the detectives, Jana Hocevar, a 43-year-old resident of the address, heard noises in the pool lanai and noticed an unfamiliar male on the pool deck. Feeling concerned, Jana informed her husband, Bradley Hocevar, aged 57.

Given that no one was expected to be at their residence during that time, both Jana and Bradley became alarmed. Bradley reportedly repeatedly instructed the individual to leave and yelled at them to exit the premises.

Detectives stated that Jana immediately dialed 911, while Bradley retrieved a Colt M4 Carbine rifle from their bedroom. As the noises persisted and a flashlight approached the door, Bradley, fearing for Jana’s and his own safety, discharged two rounds from his rifle.

Unfortunately, Polek was struck by bullet fragments and shattered glass. Subsequently, Polek quickly fled the lanai area, and Bradley blindly discharged 28 more rounds towards the lanai.

Polek sustained minor injuries and was transported to the hospital for treatment.

Sheriff Gualtieri commented during the press conference, saying, “In hindsight, he should have probably let them know he was coming at 9 o’clock at night, yet he made no effort to contact them at all.”

Based on the investigation findings, Sheriff Gualtieri affirmed that Bradley had acted within the confines of the law (Castle Doctrine) when he discharged his firearm.

The entire press conference can be viewed below.