Prescribed burn is now 90% contained and affecting over 100 acres in Hillsborough County


At 2:47 p.m. on Thursday, May 30, 2024, Hillsborough County Fire Rescue was called to a smoke investigation along West Hillsborough Avenue. Crews tracked the smoke to the controlled burn and were asked by officials on the scene to standby for assistance.

Hillsborough County Conservation and Environmental Lands Management department was conducting a prescribed burn. Due to an unexpected wind shift, the prescribed burn was spotted over into another park area. Prescribed burns are commonly used to help protect the health of the forest. 

The conditions changed, and the fire grew to where HCFR resources were utilized. They summoned 16 units to the scene and worked with the Florida Fire Service to contain the blaze. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and Tampa Police Department provided air support. As of this update, the fire is over 90% contained and involves 100 to 125 acres. There have been no injuries to first responders. There were no evacuations, 
and Hillsborough Avenue was not affected. 

The park will be closed until further notice.