Prescribed burn is scheduled for Friday morning at the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve

Photo showing location of prescribed burn

Kissimmee Valley Foresters Inc., along with the St. Petersburg Parks & Recreation Department, are conducting a prescribed fire at the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve on Friday, June 9, beginning around 9 a.m., and will be conducted in units 10 and 18 of the preserve,  assuming favorable weather conditions. 

Units 10 and 18 make up about 30 acres of the preserve’s sand scrub habitat. Access to all trails at the preserve will be closed, but summer camps will be in session with campers remaining indoors. The map attached shows the units outlined in red. 

Prescribed burns are routinely done at the preserve for land management and environmental benefits. These include reducing hazardous fuels, protecting communities from extreme fires, minimizing the spread of pests, insects, and diseases, improving habitats, and promoting growth. Intervals between prescribed burns vary widely and are dependent upon the vegetation type, climate, and typography. 

For more information, please get in touch with Boyd Hill Nature Preserve at 727-893-7326 or visit 

About the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve 
Operated and maintained by the St. Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department, 
the 245-acre Boyd Hill Nature Preserve is home to the Lake Maggiore Environmental Recreation Center, Pinellas Pioneer Settlement, the Terry Tomalin Campground, and the Birds of Prey exhibit. The preserve offers a wide variety of educational programs and recreational services for all ages, including camps, classes, events, tours, and trails. Visit to learn more.