Driver running from stolen vehicle apprehended off Court Street in Clearwater


Officers from Clearwater Police arrested 22-year-old Alex Figueroa of Brandon on multiple charges following a traffic stop shortly before 8 p.m. on Saturday, April 13, 2024.

Officers were alerted that the black Honda CR-V traveling westbound on Gulf to Bay Boulevard near Belcher Road was reported stolen out of the Lakeland area days prior. A car in which the keys were left inside while parked in a business parking lot.

Officers attempted a takedown of the vehicle in a parking log at 800 Court Street. Figueroa attempted to reverse before ultimately exiting the driver’s side door and fleeing on foot but was quickly taken into custody.

He was discovered with multiple stolen credit cards and the victim’s IDs from the stolen vehicle. Inside the vehicle’s center console, an SCCY CPX-1 9mm handgun with an illegible serial number was found. Figeroa stated that a friend had left the firearm in the vehicle. In the back seat, 32.4 grams of marijuana were found by officers. Figueroa also stated that the marijuana did not belong to him.

According to the arrest documentation, he claimed the he purchased the vehicle from someone named “John” in Lakeland for $5,000.

Alex Figueroa, age 22 of Brandon, was taken into custody on the following charges

  • Alteration or removal of firearm serial number
  • Carrying a concealed firearm
  • Felon in possession of a firearm
  • Grand theft of motor vehicle
  • Failure to Appear-possession of cannabis possession paraphernalia
  • No valid driver’s license
  • Possession of marijuana
  • Resisting an officer without violence
  • theft by taking or possessing a credit card
  • Unlawful possession of personal identification of another person