Student Arrested After Threat Led to the Evacuation of Countryside High School


Student Arrested After Threat Led to the Evacuation of Countryside High School

Update: April 11th at 4:25 p.m.

Clearwater Police detectives have arrested an Oldsmar teenager for a post he made on social media that led to the evacuation of Countryside High School.

The suspect, who is a 16-year-old junior at the school, was charged with a false report concerning planting a bomb, which is a felony, and disturbing schools, religious or other assemblies, which is a misdemeanor.

The Facebook message delivered to the police department read: “Countryside High School, 4/9/18 School Shooting/Bomb. 10:30”

Students were cleared from the school Monday morning as officers swept the facility and nearby parking areas. Nothing was found.

The student came to the attention of the police department on Tuesday night through his parents. He was  interviewed by detectives and then arrested this afternoon.

“Parents need to have a talk with their children about the seriousness of these matters and they need to have it now,” said Police Chief Dan Slaughter. “There are legal repercussions for this behavior. It can also impact college  admission and employment opportunities.”

The suspect was taken to the Pinellas Juvenile Assessment Center late this afternoon.


Detectives have arrested a 16-year-old Countryside High student for the threat on social media that led to the school’s evacuation on Monday. Post mentioned “school shooting, bomb.” He faces two charges and has been taken to jail.

Update: Update 11:45 a.m.
Students from Countryside High are heading back to class. Police say all is well. School and grounds have been checked out and cleared.

Posted: Monday – April 9

Clearwater Police reported that students at Countryside High School have been evacuated from the school after a threat was received via social media.

Clearwater Police officers are at the school to assist in the evacuation, and a sweep of the school is planned in an abundance of caution.

Police say that the threat is not believed to have come from a student at the school.

Students are NOT being sent home, but if parents choose to pick up their children, they may do so on the east side of the school in the bus circle.