Gulfport Teen Busted After Burglarizing 13 Vehicles While Wearing Ankle Monitor

Bookiing photo of Benjamin Langkamp Jr.

Gulfport Teen Busted After Burglarizing 13 Vehicles While Wearing Ankle Monitor

According to Gulfport Police, the city of Gulfport experienced a series of forced entry vehicle burglaries over the course of 3 separate days.  There were 13 vehicle burglaries reported in total where all of the vehicles had windows smashed prior to entry.

All of the burglaries occurred within a 1 block radius around the area of 30th Ave S to 31st
Ave S and Beach Blvd S to 56th St S.

Detectives quickly developed a suspect due to that location and known offenders within that area. Benjamin Langkamp Jr. was arrested and currently being charged with 13 counts of vehicle burglary.

Langkamp Jr is currently court ordered to wear an ankle monitor.

Data obtained from that monitor as well as other investigative measures, to include a confession, lead to the arrest of the suspect, Benjamin Langkamp Jr.