May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month


motorcycleawarenessMay Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May 2, 2014

Traveling Florida roads is very popular with motorcyclist especially as we head into the warmer summer months.  May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) is asking both motorists and motorcyclists to use caution and “share the road.”

“Whether it’s by car or by motorcycle, get out and enjoy Florida’s beauty this summer, but do it safely,” said Col. David Brierton, director of the Florida Highway Patrol.  “I can’t stress enough the fact that we all must share the the road for a safer Florida.”

FHP offers these safety tips to driver:

  • Always allow a motorcyclist the full lane width; never try to share a lane.
  • Be on the lookout for motorcyclist.
  • Check for motorcyclists by looking in your mirrors and blind spots before entering or leaving a lane of traffic and at intersections.
  • Do not tailgate.  Allow more following distance when following a motorcycle, so the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stop in an emergency.
  • Don’t drive distracted.
  • Drive sober

 Tips for motorcyclists:

  • Be alert — drowsy driving can impair your ability to react.
  • Drive sober.
  • Inspect your motorcycle before each ride.
  • Know the local traffic laws and rules of the road and obey them.
  • Make sure you can be seen, wear bright clothing to increase visibility.
  • Plan your route in advance and coordinate it with the other riders when riding in a group.
  • Wear appropriate gear.