****CANCEL******Pinellas deputies issue Purple Alert for missing dunedin man


Antonio has been located according to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office

On Wednesday, December 28, 2022, deputies assigned to the Patrol Operations Bureau issued a Purple Alert for 71-year-old Antonio Emiris.

According to deputies, Emiris was last seen this morning leaving his residence located atim the 1000 block of Idlewild Drive South in Dunedin, at approximately 5:00 a.m.

Emiris is believed to be driving a 2006 Silver Ford Freestar van, bearing Florida tag 0996VX. He suffers from mental illnesses.

He is described as a while male, 5’07” tall and medium build. It is unknown what he was last wearing.

Emiris has been entered into FCIC/NCIC as a Missing/Endangered Adult. If you have any information on Emiris’ whereabouts, you are asked to notify law enforcement immediately.

Below is a stock photo of the vehicle he is driving. A photo of Emiris were released about an hour after the alert by the Sheriff’s Office.

For more information on the Florida Purple Alert Plan, please visit: https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/PurpleAlerts/Purple-Alert-Plan.

The Florida Purple Alert is used to assist in the location of missing adults suffering from a mental or cognitive disability that is not Alzheimer’s disease or a dementia-related disorder; an intellectual disability or a developmental disability; a brain injury; other physical, mental or emotional disabilities that are not related to substance abuse; or a combination of any of these and whose disappearance poses a credible threat of immediate danger or seriously bodily harm. Purple Alerts engage the public in the search for the missing person and provide a standardized and coordinated community response.