St. Petersburg Man Shot and Killed, Police Looking for 19 Year-old Ajani Welch

Police searching for this suspect in the fatal St. Petersburg shooting

Artez Davis, age 23 of St. Petersburg, was killed in a drive by shooting.

The incident occurred at approximately 12:45 p.m. on Saturday, October 12, 2019 in the alleyway in the 4700 block of 18th Avenue S.

Police searching for this suspect in the fatal St. Petersburg shooting, now identified as 19 year-old Ajani Welch

Davis was taken to Bayfront Health, were he later died.

Below is the video of the car suspected in the shooting that killed Artez Davis. It is described as a dark blue/grey Toyota.

Police say that Davis was walking in an alley when 19 year-old Ajani Welch fired the shots that killed Davis, and fled in a dark blue/grey Toyota.

Call Crimestoppers 1-800-873-TIPS (8477) if you have information on Welch. You can also go online at . If the information you provide leads to an arrest then you may be eligible to receive a reward up to $3000.

Video of vehicle fleeing the scene of the shooting.

Suspect vehicle in fatal shooting