Three Critically Injured Crossing Missouri Avenue in Largo

Largo Police Department inspects the vehicle that struck the three pedestrians

Three Critically Injured Crossing Missouri Avenue in Largo

Update November 14, 2014
Here is the emotional interview with Rob Garguilo as aired on the Mike Calta radio show this morning (11/14/2014) . Nothing but praise for all the wonderful local resources that played a role in this incident. Special mention directed to Largo Police Department and all of the first responders that assisted. He had a special message for the driver of the vehicle.

Update November 12th at 10:30AM:

6 week-old Serena Arlia has passed away. Prayers are with mom and her 5 year-old son Ben who are still hospitalized.

November 11, 2014 9:20PM

Photo from the website set up to raise funds for the family.

It was Rob Garguilo’s wife and two children that were involved in the crash last night in Largo. It left all three critically injured. On October 17, 2014, Garguilo began his new employment in the area as Executive Producer of The Mike Calta Show which can be heard locally on 102.5 The Bone weekdays from 6AM-10AM. Previous to that he worked with the Rover’s Morning Glory syndicated radio morning show which originates from Cleveland rock station WMMS. 

Garguilo reports via Twitter that his 5 year-old son Ben is stable with a lumbar fracture, a concussion, bumps and bruises but will live. His 6 week-old baby girl, Serena, is on life support and not able to breath on her own and shows no signs of brain activity.

He thanks all his friends, listeners, and co-workers for their love, support and prayers for the family.
A site has been setup in assist the family with expenses. It has raised over $14,000 in the past 14 hours.
Go to that site at this LINK (

Update received at 12:15 PM on November 11, 2014

The pedestrian injured last night in the crash on Missouri Avenue have been identified. 32 year-old Sarah Arlia, 5 year-old Benjamin Garguilo, and 6 week-old Serena Arlia. Sarah is the mother of both children.

The 65 year-old driver of 2003 teal BWM 330i was uninjured. Sarah Arlia is in critical but stable condition, Benjamin Gargulio is in serious but stable condition, and Serena Arlia has life threatening injuries. All three injured parties were transported to Bayfront / All Childrens Hospital.

At present, there are no anticipated criminal charges. A civil investigation indicates that the pedestrians were crossing the street outside of a marked crosswalk.

ORIGINAL ARTICLE. November 10, 2014

Crews from Largo Fire Rescue helping Bayflite to land to transport one of the injured children
Crews from Largo Fire Rescue helping Bayflite to land to transport one of the injured children

At approximately 6:26 PM on Monday, November 10th, 2014, the Largo Police Department and Largo Fire Rescue received a call reference a traffic crash involving a vehicle that was traveling southbound in the curb lane on Missouri Ave near Commerce Dr S.

Preliminary investigation indicates the vehicle struck an adult female and two younger children who were with her in the roadway.  The mother was transported by ground to Bayfront Health in critical condition and both children were airlifted to local hospitals in critical condition.  Notifications are pending and the identities of those involved are not currently available.

The youngest child was 2-3 months old the older about 5 years old.  They reportedly just left the Dunkin Donuts across from the crash scene.

The driver of the vehicle left the scene after speaking with investigators and was visibly distraught.

At this time, traffic investigators are on scene.  No further information is available at this time.  No updates on their medical conditions or information will be available until tomorrow.

Largo Fire Rescue was assisted by Clearwater Fire and Rescue Department, Sunstar Paramedics, Bayflite, and AeroMed.


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