Tire Blowout and Crash Ejects Occupants from a SUV Killing One and Injuring Six Kids

Stock photo of FHP vehicle

Tire Blowout and Crash Ejects Occupants from a SUV Killing One and Injuring Six Kids

Update: 28 year-old Jessica Giuevara died in the crash. All occupants were ejected except for the two that utilized seatbelts/carseats.

The six kids ranged from ages of 1 to 11.  A 9 year-old girl and 1 year-old boy were critically injured. The other four kids had minor injuries.

The crash occurred at approximately 8:00 a.m. when Hillsborough County Fire Rescue received a call of a reported traffic crash with a rollover on southbound I-75 at Big Bend Rd.

When Firefighters arrived on scene they found a van in the bushes and 7 people that were ejected from the vehicle.

Firefighters completed a rapid assessment of patients which resulted in calls for 2 medical helicopters and additional ambulances. I-75 was shut down in both directions to land the medical helicopters.

According to Corey Dierdorff, Public Information Officer for Hillsborough County Fire Rescue, there were seven patients involved in the crash. The adult driver died in the crash.

Two pediatric patients were trauma alerts and were flown from the scene
to Tampa General Hospital (TGH); four pediatric patients were taken by ambulance to TGH.

Florida Highway Patrol continues to investigate the crash and states the single vehicle fatal traffic crash resulted from a tire blowout which caused the driver to lose control of the SUV.

As of 10:30 a.m., only one inside southbound lane is open at Exit 246.