Truck crash may close lanes of MLK at Court Street in Clearwater for weeks

Photo from crash scene. Photo courtesy of Clearwater Public Safety

Clearwater Police and Clearwater Fire & Rescue
responded to the intersection of Court Street and North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue shortly before 7 a.m. on Wednesday, July 15, 2020.

A delivery truck veered out of control and crashed into a pole that supports the traffic signal at the intersection.

The truck narrowly missed Rita’s Italian Ice, which sits at the northwest corner of the intersection.

No injuries were reported.

The driver was cited for careless driving.

Much of the intersection was shut down for some time until the truck could be removed.

Traffic at the intersection will be affected for an indefinite time, possibly weeks, because of the damage to the traffic signal pole and power supply.

Only eastbound and westbound traffic on Court Street will be allowed. There will be no through traffic on MLK through the intersection, and drivers on MLK cannot access Court Street at that point.

Drivers on Court Street cannot make turns onto MLK.

Drivers are asked to be patient and use extra caution in l the area until repairs can be made.