Vehicle Ends Up in Tampa Bay After Driver Falls Asleep at the Wheel

Ford F150 rests in Tampa Bay after driver fell asleep driving on Gandy Blvd. Photo courtesy of Florida Highway Patrol

Vehicle Ends Up in Tampa Bay After Driver Falls Asleep at the Wheel

The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) is currently investigating a crash that left a vehicle in the waters of Tampa Bay.

According to investigators, the crash occurred at approximately 9:16 a.m. on Tuesday, January 23, 2018.

Crane assisting to remove the vehicle from Tampa Bay. Photo courtesy of Florida Highway Patrol

Trooper say that Osvaldo Jares, age 25 of Miami, was traveling in a 2002 Ford F150 in the westbound lanes of Gandy Blvd approaching San Fernando Boulevard NE.

Jares reportedly fell asleep and lost control of the pickup truck which began to travel in the northbound direction.

The Ford left the roadway and overturned into Tampa Bay.

Jares was not injured in the crash and chemical impairment is not suspected.

Trooper charged Jares with careless driving.