Woman Seriously Injured in Crash Involving Personal Watercraft in Clearwater

Clearwater Fire & Rescue Fire Boat 44 transporting victim from personal watercraft crash

Officers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) are investigating a crash involving a personal watercraft off Island Estates in Clearwater.

The call for service was received shortly after 12 noon on Sunday, December 30, 2018.

Crews from Clearwater Fire & Rescue were able to make contact with two of the people involved in the crash. The patients were transported to land where they were then transported to the hospital.

One of the victims, an adult female, was flown via Bayflite to Bayfront Health St. Petersburg with serious but non life-threatening injuries. The other victim was transported to a local hospital with less serious injuries.

Delay were reported across the Memorial Causeway due to the landing of Bayflite.

Clearwater Police, Clearwater Fire & Rescue, US Coast Guard, Sunstar, Bayflite, and FWC assisted at the scene.