Police Looking to Identify Armed Robbery Suspect Responsible for Incidents in Both Clearwater and Largo


Police Looking to Identify Armed Robbery Suspect Responsible for Incidents in Both Clearwater and Largo

Clearwater Police officers are investigating an armed robbery that occurred shortly after 2 a.m. on Thursday, November 8, 2018 at Thorntons convenience store, 1698 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd.

A white male thought to be in his early 20s implied he had a weapon and made off with cash.

He has a significant amount of tattoos including neck and face, with “RIP” over his left eye – that should make him easy  identifiable by the public.

He left the scene in a white vehicle, possibly a Chevrolet Malibu or Impala.

The Largo Police Department had a similar robbery three hours earlier on 150th Avenue with a suspect matching the description of the suspect.

Anyone with information on the identity of the suspect should call Clearwater Police at 727-562-4242.