Single vehicle crash in front of Bay Pines VAMC injures two


baypineslight005Single vehicle crash in front of the Bay Pines VA Medical Center injures two

February 1, 2014

Shortly before 5pm this evening, units from both Seminole Fire Rescue and Madeira Beach Fire Department responded to reports of a traffic crash.  The crash was reported at 9601 Bay Pines Blvd in the City of Seminole.

First arriving units reported heavy damage with one vehicle into a concrete wall and light pole.  A request was made for both Duke Energy and the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office to expedite their response to assist at the scene.  Additional units from Sunstar Paramedics were also requested.

According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, 73-year-old Julius Allen Balogh from Michigan, was traveling eastbound on Bay Pines Boulevard when he lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a light pole on the south side of the road.  The light pole cracked and fell onto the vehicle.

Balogh was transported to Bayfront Medical Center for the treatment of non-life threatening injuries.  At this time, deputies say Balogh may have lost control of the vehicle due to a medical condition.

Deputies say Duke Energy responded, took down power and removed the pole from atop the car. Eastbound traffic was interrupted for approximately two hours.

It appeared that the female passenger with Mr. Balogh was transported to the hospital as well.

The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office will continue conducting a traffic crash investigation to determine the complete circumstances involving the incident.



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